Monday, October 28, 2013

WPP 5 & 6 Unit I Concept 3-5: Basics of Banking/ Sophisticated Banking

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Ayy, things to look out for in this WPP is to remember to put this equation into your graphing table in your graphing calculator. This greatly helps finding your compounded interests. Remember to hit trace to find the n (the number of times per year compounded) The answers are shown for you but the work you need to be able to do yourself to get the answers. Remember the formula for the test as well because that is very important. Thanks for looking at my WPP. 

Sunday, October 27, 2013

SV 4 Unit I Concept 2: Logs in Graphs

The important thing to look out for in this video would be how to solve for the x-intercepts and y-intercepts. These parts are the most challenging for students because they usually get messed up on these parts. Remembering the asymptote also helps figure out which points to use because of the restrictions the asymptote puts on the graph. All of these things should be watched for during the video so students don't get mixed up on accident or anything. Thanks!

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

SP 3 Unit I Concept 1 Exponential Functions

 This problem is to show my understanding about graphing exponential functions. It shows how to identify the x-intercept, y- intercept, domain, and range. This problem is to show when there wouldn't be an x-intercept on an exponential function and how the asymptote affects the graph. 

The viewer needs to pay special attention to why the x-intercepts do not work in this exponential function. They also need to pay attention to asymptote and how that affects the graph. The domain and range also help with the restrictions of the graph. The viewer should also see how the y-intercept is solved for. 

1. Seperate the equation into A,H,B,K 
2. Began solving for x-intercept by setting y=0 
3. Notice that it can't be done because you can't take 
the In of a negative number 
4. Head to y-intercept
5. Plug in zero for x 
6. Use pemdas to correctly solve the y-intercept. 
7. Began choosing keypoints.
8. Plug equation into calculator and look up the points
8. Write the asymptote which is also K remember y=#
9. Draw the asymptote on the graph. 
10. Write out domain and range 
11. Do it correctly. 
12. Plot points on graph. 
13. Draw a line and you're done. 

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

SV 3: Unit H Concept 7: Finding Logs with Approximations

Things to look out for in this video are to remember the hidden clues because they are super helpful and to remember to correctly use either multiply/division and adding/subtraction symbols so you don't get confused when you write the logs out. Other things to look out for are how the exponent is written in condensed and expanded logs. Anyways, thanks for watching my video guys and have a great day. 

Sunday, October 6, 2013

SV 2: Unit G Concept 1-7 Rational Functions

               For this video, I teach you the steps and guides on how to solve rational functions. This helps determine how the graph comes out as well as other things that are useful for your math class. By solving this problem you will learn how to overcome your fears in math and become a pro at it.  
              Some things you should notice when watching this video is the awkwardness that I face in video. Also at the end of the video, the graphing part, I was dying so excuse the awkward silence. However, you should pay attention to how the work is done so that you can learn more and be able to do well on the test. 
             Also do not mind the graph from the first video, i made a silly mistake so just watch the graph from the 2nd video to see how it is supposed to look like when you are done. The vert asymptote is x=-6 and the slant asymptote is x=x. Thanks for watching!